- To help develop young boys and girls in our community to be successful on and off the field of play.
- Build Resiliency
- Build Positive Character Attributes: Honor, Integrity, Loyalty, Respect, and Courage
The Petersburg Athletic Association organizes and manages youth sports in Petersburg, Illinois.
The sports we currently offer are softball, baseball, soccer, and basketball
We appreciate the support we receive from our community, local businesses, and civic organizations.
WHAT ARE REGISTRATION FEES USED FOR:Shirts/hats, equipment (helmets, bats, balls, tees, bases, basketballs, soccer balls, etc.), repairs and maintenance (dirt for fields, flour/paint to line the fields, gas/oil changes for 4-wheeler used to drag fields, paint, fence repair, lights, toilet paper, etc.), awards, league/tournament fees, scoreboards, boys pitching machine, the list goes on. In addition, we also offered a camp (free of charge to PAA players) last year. We haven't raised the registration fee in MANY years.